Le programme d'aujourd'hui a faillit tourner au fiasco!! Il a plu des cordes toute la nuit et toute la matinée, nous avons faillit annuler. Heureusement que le ciel s'est dégagé et un beau soleil est apparu pour nous remonter le moral.
Direction Le Royal Golf d'Agadir again!!
Au menu: salade variée, Tajine de poulet aux amandes et panier de fruits.
The program today has almost turned into a fiasco! It rained ropes all night and all morning, we almost canceled. Fortunately the sky cleared and a bright sun appeared to lift our spirits.
Heading to the Agadir Royal Golf again!!
On the menu: mixed salad, chicken tagine with almonds and fruit basket.
Au menu: salade variée, Tajine de poulet aux amandes et panier de fruits.
The program today has almost turned into a fiasco! It rained ropes all night and all morning, we almost canceled. Fortunately the sky cleared and a bright sun appeared to lift our spirits.
Heading to the Agadir Royal Golf again!!
On the menu: mixed salad, chicken tagine with almonds and fruit basket.

Il a fait tellement beau que j'ai eu envie d'immortaliser ce paysage de "pluie & soleil" en même temps, un phénomène très connu à Agadir.
It was so beautiful that I wanted to capture the landscape of "rain and sun" at the same time, a phenomenon well known in Agadir.
It was so beautiful that I wanted to capture the landscape of "rain and sun" at the same time, a phenomenon well known in Agadir.

I'm starving right now and it looks so yummy! Gotta to dinner!!!!!!!!!!
Belles photos.
RépondreSupprimertu vis à Agadir???Ouahhhh!
RépondreSupprimeri want to go to agadir!!!