Saturday, May 22 MIKA's concert took place as expected on the scene of the OLM Souissi-Rabat. Unfortunately I could not attend, I had a very important appointment here in Agadir. But I can always count on my brother and my little sister who comforted me with these pictures. Apparently, the concert was very successfull. Next year I will do my best to attend the festival. I promise!!!
salut lamia. voilá c est fait le meme(en espagne cettes questions pour repondre ds le blog ont l ´appelle meme ) lol comme les grand meres en francais¡¡¡¡. je ne sais pas pourquoi...
RépondreSupprimerje viens de repondre q toutes les questions. merci bcp pour avoir pensé a moi. gros bisous¡¡¡
Mika?? oh! I like music of Mika.
Concert pictures look great, I hope you had an amazing time!
RépondreSupprimerHay dear blogger!
RépondreSupprimerHow are you? I'm glad that I've visited this blog! She's lovely.
Please, check mine too & maybe we can follow eachother!
You can also join my GIVEAWAY!
Love, Cindy.
I've always thought his concerts would be so much fun, and these photos confirm it!
RépondreSupprimerxx FujiFiles